Fix Sage Error Code 3111 : Pervasive Status Code 3111

The Sage Error Code 3111 is usually a pervasive status error. The error is basically caused when a session remains open when the application closes without prior notice. And when the user tries to perform a task in Sage software, the Sage error code 3111 appears.
In the following lines, you will find resolution steps to resolve Sage Error Code 3111. In case you require any assistance while performing the steps, the professionals at RemoteAccounting247 are available round the clock to assist you.

Troubleshooting Sage Error Code 3111

Caution: Don’t utilize the PSQL Monitor utility to remove any user while Sage application is running. This can lead to loss of network connection for users to link with Pervasive engine, hence damaging the data.
  1. Exist from open file or session.
  2. Restart workstation.
  3. Instruct all users to exit from all Sage applications.
  4. Open to server and choose the PSQL Monitor Utility to unlock any remote file server.
Option 1: For v 15.1 and older
  • Go to server and log in as an Administrator.
  • From the Windows taskbar, go to Start and choose Run.
  • Type in W3MONV75 then select OK.
  • From MicroKernel menu, choose the Active Sessions option.
  • Close down the open sessions:
  • To close down sessions for a particular user: For all users opened sessions, click on the user then select Delete Session option.
  • To close down every opened session: Select the Delete All Sessions option. When a message prompts on the screen, click on YES then Close.
  • From Options menu click on Exit.
Option 2: For v 16.1 and newer
  • From Windows taskbar, go to Start and click on Run > Common Tools > Monitor Server.
  • On Select Server window click on OK.
  • Click on MicroKernel Sessions tab in order to view opened sessions. The Session column displays the windows user/profile currently has the session running.
  • Now, re-verify all program/user has been completely closed.
  • To close down sessions for a particular user: Right-click on row then click on Delete MDKE session.
  • To close down every opened session: Click on the Delete all session tab, located on the top right of the screen. Then select OK when prompted.
  • Exit PSQL Monitor.
Other option: If the above-mentioned steps do not fix the issue, you can:
  • Stop and Restart the Pervasive services as well as the Sage services.
  • Restart your server.
Remoteaccounting247 Tech Support
Call on +1 (800) 961-6588 to acquire assistance while performing the above mentioned steps. The professionals behind this helpline number will provide a step to step guide and assist you through the steps. You can easily resolve your error instantly with the help from our professionals.
Apart from phone number service, we also provide services via emails. Our email address is You can detail your issues and share them on this email address. You can also reach our professionals via Live Chat Support.


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